
Friday, March 2, 2012

75% on income tax in France soon? Thanks Mr. Hollande

"Above €1-million [US$1.34-million], the tax rate should be 75% because it's not possible to have that level of income," said the leading French presidential candidate François Hollande during a TV interview. Eva Joly of the ecology party wants to raise the tax to at least 80% for French residents who have an annual income of more than €41,940.00 [$56,199].

Think this is scary? What's even scarier is that Mr. Hollande might win! If he becomes president and imposes this tax on the rich, France will be the next to crumble after Greece, Italy, & Spain. When people get punished for their success, they will leave and go else where.

The family Wertheimer(Chanel), Peugeot, Nicolas Puech (Hermès), Robery Louis-Dreyfuss, Lacoste, and Daniel Hechter are among many of the top wealthiest French families who have already exiled in Switzerland.

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