
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Organic Junkies

BIO* = organic

Great news for all you organic junkies out there! Fresh organic veggies directly from local farms in a vending machine. 28 refrigerated slots of organic goodness available 24/7 everyday of the week.

Hallelujah...or alléluia as the French say!

I sometimes miss the convenience of living in California and Hong Kong, the land of endless all-night supermarkets and convenience stores. After all, we never know when we might just feel like cooking up a pot-au-feu at three in the morning. For those of you who have never lived in a small town and don't get what's with all the excitement, here's why:

Most stores in French small towns are closed for 2+ during lunch time, running only until 6 or 7pm, and everything is usually closed on Sundays. Some stores even take a day off on Mondays. There's no "oh honey i don't have anymore sugar...can you run out to the market?" Here, you have it or you don't. I am becoming more and more creative from all my last-minute improvisations. The other option is borrowing it from your neighbors, except some French people may consider it rude and don't like to be interrupted during family times except if my house is on fire. It is opposite of the Chinese and So Cal cultures which I am familiar with, where anything goes and people are usually happy to be of service anytime of the day. 

Think about all the elderly who can't drive! Think about all the moms with 3 hyper kids! Think about the people who come home everyday from work and everything is already closed! Think about the antisocial!

Who doesn't enjoy the comfort of being able to get a bunch of organic carrots in the wee hours?

Looks like the veggies vending wave hits the machines in the US, too. 

Check this out...

Fresh Healthy’s machines are stocked with soy milk, yogurt, fruits and vegetables, smoothies, energy bars, Kashi snack bars, tea and other organic snacks. Mostly processed food. Still, it is great options for people who don't eat junk food. 

I landed upon this article on the wall street journal. I mean, who reads stuff like this.....I DO!

Long live organic veggies!

*BIO is short for biologique in French

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